Sponsor a Child’s Education in Bolivia today.
What is FONBEC Bolivia?
What’s FONBEC? It stands for “Fondo de Becas” (Scholarship Fund). It is a non-profit organization designed to financially help low-income students and/or young adults with high academic performance. Without this help, these children and young adults run the risk of dropping out of school. FONBEC has several chapters in South America, for now, we will only be working with the chapter in Bolivia which is led by the founder/director, attorney Alfredo Mariaca. FONBEC Bolivia will celebrate its 10th anniversary this year.
What’s FONBEC USA? We are affiliated with Bolivia’s chapter. We are here to assist them in growing and promoting FONBEC’s mission as well as to help finding sponsors. This U.S. based board established to provide 501-c-3 status, which means your donation is tax deductible in the United States AND many employers will gladly match your donations. Our U.S. board of directors are all volunteers with high credentials, including a member of the medical field and a high-profile media personality.
Sponsor Options
Sponsor a Child
Help a child with the cost of educating by donating only $25 per month.
Sponsor a Young Adult
Help a young adult focus on education by donating only $35 per month.
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